lunedì, dicembre 04, 2006

Back home

All I need is to sit down and put out of my mind all the important things happened in the last 2 week in Egypt.
But it is hard….
What is really important?
Does the happiness of keeping looking into Egyptians eyes is not important like having an exhibition of your work?
Brain and Heart are full, emotionally full.
Because meeting people giving you the best they can, makes feel more than appreciate, part of the universe, and it makes you do the best yourself.

The pyramids are made with stones ok?
And they are big ok?
The pyramids are symbols, they are what spirit and history and equilibrium should be.
For me of course, because I have seen them, in my way.
The cities in Egypt have crowded , they are noisy and dirty….
They are alive, and full of contradictions , and mysterious.
They are like a pregnant woman . Waiting to give life to a new generation.
Yes, cities in Egypt are pregnant.
Anyway what happened to me is quite incredible.
The place I’ve seen and the people I’ve met are something special.
The emotion I felt are a gift.
Working was a pleasure.
Taking picture a necessity.
Be exactly where you want to be is almost a miracle!

7 Commenti:

Anonymous Anonimo ha detto...

u are fantastic...

lunedì, 04 dicembre, 2006  
Anonymous Anonimo ha detto...

Well done mad woman... well done.

lunedì, 04 dicembre, 2006  
Anonymous Anonimo ha detto...

tu sei bellissima! E le foto sono bellissime! Un sorriso da Immu e un bacio da me!

martedì, 05 dicembre, 2006  
Anonymous Anonimo ha detto...

Tere' hai superato te stessa! Le foto sono bellissime. Continua cosi'. Lunia

mercoledì, 06 dicembre, 2006  
Blogger Iaccarinogennaro ha detto...

che sorrisi che facce e che mondo....sono rimasto a bocca aperta...le tue foto hannno sempre qualcosa in piu' muovono prendono vita ti rispondono, non so' come spoegare..forse l'ho fatto...t'amo

venerdì, 08 dicembre, 2006  
Blogger teresa ha detto...

si ti sei spiegato benissimo, e grazie iacca

venerdì, 15 dicembre, 2006  
Anonymous Anonimo ha detto...

Splendid, splendid, splendid... The first picture where you are wearing a veil is so stunning, you are so beautiful; the one in wich you are posing with the veil in front of the Pyramid is really wonderful. The comment you added just below is so accurate, it's so you. I am really glad that you have gone there. If you had not, you would not be complete. A part of you would always be missing. You are my oriental italian. Well done for your work. Splendid

martedì, 02 gennaio, 2007  

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